Participation in GTF Meeting-08-10.06.16

Dr Ioannis N. Grigoriadis participated in a meeting of the Greek-Turkish Forum, held at the Home for Cooperation (H4C), Nicosia, Cyprus, between 8 and 10 June 2016. In the meeting all aspects of the Cyprus issue were discussed and a public event entitled “Is the property issue solvable?” in which research findings were presented and invited experts A. Symeou, A. Demetriades, Mete Hatay and Ayla Gurel commented.

Participation in KAS Dialogue Workshop, 28-29.05.16

Dr. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis participated in the Dialogue Workshop entitled *“The Mediterranean Basin: Migration Strategies and Policies”, held in  Antalya, Turkey on 28 and 29 May 2016. His presentation was entitled “The Migration Crisis and Greece: Security Implications.” The objective of the workshop was to facilitate the exchange of  experiences and good practices for the management of migration flows and policies in the Mediterranean basin. Moreover the workshop aimed at developing approaches und instruments for deepening the coordination
and cooperation among experts and practitioners from Mediterranean (North Africa, Near East) and European countries. More information can be found at:

Jean Monnet Conference-23.05.16

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Department of Political Science & Public Administration
Jean Monnet Talk Series

Book Launch Conference of Aylin Guney and Ali Tekin (eds.), The Europeanization of Turkey: Polity and Politics (Routledge: London & New York: 2015) and Aylin Guney and Ali Tekin (eds.), The Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies: A Scorecard (Routledge: London & New York: 2015)

Venue: Room A130, Faculty of Economics, Administrative & Social Sciences, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Bilkent University
Monday 23 May 2016
Session 1
10:00 – 10:30 Opening Remarks
10:30 – 12:30 Europeanization of Turkey: Polity and Politics
Moderator Ali Tekin
Taking Stock of the Europeanization of civil society in Turkey: the case of NGOs
Büke Boşnak (Koç University)
Political Culture
Burak Erdenir
Same same or different? Accession Europeanization in Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey compared
Basak Yavcan (TOBB University)
A Concluding Assessment
Ali Tekin
12:30 – 14:00 LUNCH at Bilkent University

Session 2
14:00 – 16:00 Europeanization of Turkish Public Policies
Aylin Güney (Yaşar University)
Turkish Europeanization regarding social and employment policy
Berrin Ceylan Ataman (Ankara University)
On the Europeanization of minority rights protection
Ioannis N. Grigoriadis (Bilkent University)
A Concluding Assessment
Aylin Güney (Yaşar University)

• This event has been funded by the Jean Monnet Chair of the Department of Political Science & Public Administration, Bilkent University.

Erasmus TSM Visit to the University of Tartu-12-13.05.2016

Dr. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis visited in May 2016 the University of Tartu, Estonia in the framework of the Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility (TSM) agreement between Bilkent University the University of Tartu. He delivered a lecture entitled “Religion and Politics in Greece and Turkey” on 12 May 2016 and one entitled “EU-Turkey Relations: The State of Affairs” on 13 May 2016.


Participation in GTF Meeting-16-18.04.16

Dr. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis participated in a meeting of the Greek-Turkish Forum, held at Bogazici University, Istanbul between 16 and 18 April 2016. In the meeting all aspects of the Cyprus issue were discussed and a future meeting in Cyprus was discussed. On 17 April 2016 Dr. Grigoriadis participated in the award ceremony of the Cem Papandreou Peace Award, in which the Greek-Turkish Forum was recognized for its contribution to conflict resolution in Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. More information can be found at:

Jean Monnet Talk Series-Alexandros Lordos-19.04.2016

Lordos Photo

Bilkent University
Department of Political Science & Public Administration
JeanMonnetTalk Series

“What Engenders Violent Extremism? A comparative study of Cyprus, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Nepal”
Tuesday, 19 April 2016, 13:30-15:00
T-171 (Postgraduate SeminarRoom)


Dr. Alexandros Lordos
University of Cyprus

Short Bio

*Dr. Alexandros Lordos *has a wide range of experience spanning over the past 20 years, in the private sector, non-governmental sector and in government, integrating multiple viewpoints and developing innovative evidence-based solutions for conflict transformation in divided societies. Dr. Lordos is one of the founders and a Research Director of the Center for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD). In this capacity, he has been a key figure behind the conceptualization of the “Social Cohesion and Reconciliation” (SCORE) Index which has been designed to investigate a broad range of themes that are relevant to conflict and peace, including inter-group tensions, human security, civic trust, political violence and community resilience.

Jean Monnet Talk Series-Evangelia Balta-11.04.2016

Balta Resim

Bilkent University
Department of Political Science & Public Administration
Jean Monnet Talk Series

“Why Study Karamanlidika (Ottoman Literature written in the Greek Alphabet)”
Monday, 11 April 2016, 14:30-16:00
T-171 (Postgraduate Seminar Room)


Prof. Evangelia Balta
National Hellenic Research Foundation

Short Bio

Evangelia Balta (b. 1955) is a Research Director at the Institute of Historical Research at the National Hellenic Research Foundation. Her interests focus on subjects related to Economic and Social History during the Ottoman period, as well as the culture of Greek Orthodox population of Anatolia. In addition to her commitment to various programmes in Greece, Cyprus and Turkey, she has been invited to teach seminars for groups of graduate students by universities in Greece and abroad.


She is a founding member of the planning committee of Οἶνον ἱστορῶ (History of Wine), a scholarly group which has organized seven conferences on subjects related to wine and wine production (2000-2008). In addition to her commitment to various programs at the National Research Foundation, she has also served as a scholarly advisor for the Museum of Olive and Greek Olive Oil in Sparta (Greece), the Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production in Lesvos (Greece), and the Museums of Wine at the Ktima Hatzimihalis and the Ktima Gerovassiliou (Epanomi-Greece). She was academic supervisor for the restoration of the Kayakapi neighborhood (Project Kayakapi) in Ürgüp, Turkey (2003-2008).


Since 2008 she has organized three International Conferences on Karamanlidika Studies. She has conducted seminars on Karamanlidika Studies at the annual Intensive Summer School on Cunda Island organized by the Ottoman Studies Foundation (since 2010).


She was made an honorary member of the Turkish Historical Society (2013) and she was awarded the “Οrder of Merit (Liyakat Nişanı)” by the President of the Turkish Republic, Abdullah Gül (2014).


Books (only)

  • Μουχατζηρναμέ – Muhacirnâme 
Karamanlı Muhacirler için Şiirin Sedası – Poetry’s Voice for the Karamanlidhes Refugees (Evangelia Balta-Aytek Soner Alpan), istos yayın, Istanbul 2016.
  • Kouklia in Nineteenth Century Cyprus. On the Ruins of a once Glorious Paphos, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2015 (co-authors Mustafa Oğuz and Ali Efdal Özkul).
  • Population and Agricultural Production in Ottoman Morea, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2015.
  • Cultural Encounters in the Turkish-speaking Communities of the Late Ottoman Empire, edited by Evangelia Balta with the contribution of Mehmet Ölmez, The Isis Press, Istanbul 2014.
  • Festschrift in Honor of Ioannis P. Theocharides, (eds) Evangelia Balta, Georgios Salakidis, Theoharis Stavrides, 2 vols, The Isis Press, Istanbul, 2014.
  • Gerçi Rum İsek de, Rumca Bilmez, Türkçe Söyleriz Karamanlılar ve Karamanlıca Edebiyat Üzerine Araştırmalar, Türkiye İş Bankası, Kültür Yayınları, 2014.
  • Exchange of Populations: Historiography and Refugee Memory, Istanbul, istos yayın, 2014. (The book was translated in Turkish: Nüfus Mübadelesi, Önsöz İlber Ortaylı, İstanbul, İnkilâp 2015).
  • Miscellaneous Studies on the Karamanlidika Literary Tradition, Istanbul, The Isis Press, 2013.
  • Histories of Ottoman Larnaca, (eds) Evangelia Balta – Theoharis Stavrides – Ioannis Theocharides, Istanbul, The Isis Press, 2012.
  • Between Religion and Language: Turkish-Speaking Christians, Jews and Greek-Speaking Muslims and Catholics in the Ottoman Empire, (eds) Evangelia Balta and Mehmet Ölmez, Istanbul, Eren, 2011.
  • Yücel Dağlı Anısına. “geldi Yücel, gitti Yücel, bir nefes gibi…” (eds) Evangelia Balta, Yorgos Dedes, Emin Nedret İşli, M.Sabri Koz, İstanbul, Turkuaz Yayınları, 2011.
  • Reliques d’un Empire Ottoman. Eugène Dalleggio à la recherche de publications karamanlies, Textes recueillis, commentés et édités par Evangelia Balta, Istanbul, Les éditions Isis, 2011.
  • Cries and Whispers in Karamanlidika Books, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Karamanlidika Studies (Nicosia, 11th–13th September 2008), (eds) Evangelia Balta and Matthias Kappler, Harrassowitz Verlag -Wiesbaden 2010.
  • Beyond the Language Frontier: Studies on the Karamanlis and Karamanlidika Printing, Istanbul, Isis Press, 2010.
  • Sinasos. Images and Narratives, Istanbul, Birzamanlar, 2009.
  • Livâ-i Resmo: Tahrir Defteri (co-author Mustafa Oğuz), Ankara, Türk Tarih Kurumu, 2009.
  • Η οθωμανική απογραφή των Κυθήρων, 1715, Athens, ΙΝΕ/ΕΙΕ, 2009.
  • Ürgüp / Prokopi. Photographs from the Archive of the Centre for Asia Minor Studies, Athens, Centre for Asia Minor Studies, 2004.
  • Ottoman Studies and Archives in Greece, Analecta Isisiana LXX, The Isis Press, Istanbul 2003.
  • Ελληνορθόδοξες κοινότητες της Καππαδοκίας, Ι. Περιφέρεια Προκοπίου. Πηγές στα Γενικά Αρχεία του Κράτους και στο Κέντρο Μικρασιατικών Σπουδών, Athens, Centre for Asia Minor Centre, 2001.
  • Peuple et production. Pour une interprétation des sources ottomanes, Istanbul, Les éditions Isis, 1999.
  • Problèmes et approches de l’histoire ottomane. Un itinéraire scientifique de Kayseri à Egriboz, Istanbul, Les éditions Isis, 1997.
  • Les vakifs de Serrès et de sa région (XVe et XVIe s.). Un premier inventaire, Athènes, Fondation Nationale pour la Recherche Scientifique, 1995.
  • La découverte de la Cappadoce au 19e siècle (co-author Ilas Anagnostakis), Istanbul Eren 1994.
  • L’Eubée à la fin du XVe siècle. Économie et Population. Les registres de l’année 1474, Athènes, Archive of Euboean Studies, 1989.
  • Karamanlidika. Bibliographie analytique d’ouvrages en langue turque en caractères grecs. XXe siècle, Athènes, Centre d’Études d’Asie Mineure, 1987.
  • Karamanlidika. Bibliographie analytique d’ouvrages en langue turque en caractères grecs. Additions (1584-1900), Athènes, Centre d’Études d’Asie Mineure, 1987.

Participation in ISA Annual Convention-16-19.03.2016

Dr. Ioannis N. Grigoriadis participated in the 57th ISA Annual Convention in Atlanta in March 2016 and presented two papers one entitled “Turkey’s Middle East Policy Challenged:The Case of Egypt” on 16 March 2016 and one entitled “The Vanishing of the State? Repercussions for Establishing Peace in the Middle East” on 19 March 2016.

More information can be found at: